A Masbooq Making Salaam With The Imaam


Would like to know if a person misses a rakaat and forgets and makes salaam along with imaam on 1 or both sides then realises his mistake. Should he make sajdah sahw after completing the missed a rakaat?


If he unintentionally made Salam before the Imam or together with the Imam, then his Salaat is intact. In this case, he will not have to make sajdatus-sahw because his mistake was done in the condition of being a Muqtadi (follower of the Imam), and the mistake of the Muqtadi does not necessitate sajdatus-sahw.

However, if he made Salam after the Salam of the Imam, his Salaat will be intact, but he will have to perform sajdatus-sahw to compensate for his mistake.What has been mentioned so far is with regards to one who makes Salam unintentionally.

However if someone makes the Salam intentionally, then his Salaat will be rendered void.

*Note – The letter Meem in Salam is what should be considered when deciding what is with the Imam or after the Imam. So if the Masbooq says Salam after the Imam has reached the Meem, it is considered after the Imam. If he says the Salam before the Meem, then it is considered before the Imam. 

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.


ثم المسبوق إنما يتابع الإمام في السهو لا في السلام فيسجد معه ويتشهد فإذا سلم الإمام قام إلى القضاء فإن سلم فإن كان عامدا فسدت وإلا فلا ولا سجود عليه إن سلم قبل الإمام أو معه وإن سلم بعده لزمه لكونه منفردا حينئذ (البحر الرائق المكتبة الماجدية ج١ ص. ١٠ ) 

ومنها أنه لو سلم مع الامام ساهيا أو قبله لا يلزمه سجود السهو وإن سلم بعده لزمه كذا في الظهيرية هو المختار كذا في جواهر الأخلاطي وإن سلم مع الإمام على ظن أن عليه السلام مع الإمام فهو عمد فتفسد كذا في الظهيرية (الفتاوي الهندية المكتبة الماجدية ج١ ص ١ ٩) 

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