Consuming Shark Meat


Is it permissible to eat shark meat?


According to the Hanafi Madhab, the only aquatic animals that are permissible for consumption are fish. Since sharks are categorized as fish, they will be permissible to eat.

In Ahsanul Fataawaa, Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Ludhyiaanwi Rahimahullah says that according to the experts, a fish has four main physical characteristics:

1- It has a long backbone (vertebrate).
2- It breathes through gills.
3- It has fins for swimming.
4- It is cold-blooded.

Sharks have all four of these characteristics, thereby making it permissible for consumption. However, he goes on to say that because some Ulama have said that shark meat is impermissible, it is better to abstain.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.


و لا يحل حيوان مائي الا السمك
الدر المختار مع رد المحتار ج 6 ص ٣٠٦ سعيد

و اما دواب البحر فانها محرمة سوي السمك بأجناسها في قول الفقهاء
النتف في الفتاوي ص ١٥٠ سعيد

Ahsanul Fataawaa V.7 P.391

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