Eating Lobster


According to hanifi fiqh is lobster allowed. There is some dispute but I’m not completely sure of that. The reason why I’m asking is over (UK) hear there are strong ulama that have said its allowed because it dies shortly after it’s out of the water. But others say imam abu hanifa RA says no and classes it as the cockroaches of the sea. 


According to Hanafi Fiqhi, it is only permissible to eat fish from all the sea creatures.  The criteria mentioned by our Fuqaha for something to be classified as a fish (after referring to the experts) are:

a) It should be a vertebrate. 
b) It should have gills.
c) It should have fins. 

It is clear that a lobster does not fully meet the above criteria.  Therefore, we will conclude that it will not be permissible to eat lobsters according to the Hanafi Madh’hab.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.


ولا يحل حيوان مائي إلا السمك (الدر المختار مع رد المحتار ٦/٣٠٦)

                          ماہرین حیوانات نے مچھلی کی تعریف میں جو چیزیں ذکر کی ہیں ان میں سے تین بالکل عام فہم ہیں: ۱)     ریڑھ کی ہڈی ۲)     سانس لینے کے گلپھڑے ۳) تیرنے کے پنکھے (احسن الفتاوی ۷/۳۹۵)

(بخلاف غيرهما من الهوام) فلا يجوز اتفاقا كحيات وضب وما في بحر كسرطان إلا السمك (الدر المختار مع رد المحتار ٥/٦٨)

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