Please advise on how a growing boys hair should be cut?
Hairstyles play a major role in the identification of a person in society. It should be well understood that every facet of the life of Mu’min is governed by the laws and injunctions of Shariah. Just as a Muslim is obligated to follow the Mubarak Sunnah of Nabee H in matters relating to Ibadat (acts of worship), Mu’amlat (monetary dealings), Mu’asharat (social and domestic interaction) and Akhlaq (character and mannerism), so too is he duty-bound to emulate the Mubarak Sunnah of Nabee H in his outward appearance.
A haircut is deemed impermissible when the following aspects are present:
Qaz’a: Partially shaving the head.
Tashabbuh: When the hairstyle imitates or resembles those of the Kuffar or Fussaq (open sinners)
Considering the above, it is advised that:
1) The hair of the entire head be kept at the same length.
2) Severe admonition has been mentioned in the Ahadith with regard to imitation of the Kuffar and Fussaq. Hence, one must completely refrain from keeping the hairstyles of pop-stars, sportsmen, actors or any such hairstyle which falls under the ambit of Tashabbuh with them.
Consequently, it is impermissible when the hair of one or multiple portions of the head are cut shorter while the remainder of the hair is left longer.
3) Keeping the hair of a young boy short has the following advantages:
a) It allows for easier manageability.
b) Greater duration between cutting sessions.
c) Dries quicker after washing,
d) The head remains cooler and less sweaty.
e) Has less susceptibility to the transfer of lice.
If you are in doubt with regard to the permissibility of a hairstyle, it would be better to abstain from it.
Checked and Approved By:
Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.
عن ابن عمر أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رأى صبيا قد حلق بعض شعره وترك بعضه فنهاهم عن ذلك وقال احلقوه كله أو اتركوه كله
سنن أبي داود (رقم 4195) دار القبلة للثقاقة الاسلامية
عن الحجاج بن حسان قال دخلنا على أنس بن مالك فحدثتني أختي المغيرة قالت وأنت يومئذ غلام ولك قرنان أو قصتان فمسح رأسك وبرك عليك وقال احلقوا هذين أو قصوهما فإن هذا زي اليهود
سنن أبي داود (رقم 4197) دار القبلة للثقاقة الاسلامية
عن ابن عمر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
سنن أبي داود (رقم 4031) دار القبلة للثقاقة الاسلامية
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