Remuneration For Teaching Deen


Is an individual allowed to take a wage for teaching Deen if they are: 

1. Wealthy (ie. they have enough money to support themselves,ect. without taking a wage) 

2. Or a female (who has no responsibility of expenses) 

(This question is based on our understanding that concession is given to take a wage for teaching Deen, due to the fact that there is no Baitul Maal to give money for the teachers expences, so there is a fear that there will be laxity/negligence in the teaching of Deen,ect. if teachers of Deen had to go and work to pay their expences. Please advise if this understanding is correct.)


1) Hadrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahmatullahi Alaih has written that a wealthy Alim should also take a wage and educate the masses. He may then return the funds to the Madrasah if he doesn’t require the funds; but he should take the salary so that he is able to serve the Deen of Allah Ta’aala with dedication.  

The Fuqaha have also written that if the Muslim judge is an extremely wealthy person then he too should take a wage. The reasoning behind the ruling is; if the wealthy Muslim judge serves for a period of 10 years without taking a salary and his position is thereafter taken up by a poor judge, then providing a salary to the new judge may be difficult (for those responsible.) This was the in depth understanding of the Fuqaha who were aware of the reality of matters. [Re:- Tuhfatul Ulama Pg. 135 Vol.1]

2) The reasoning provided for a wealthy Alim taking a wage is so that he may be able to dedicate himself to his work. The same reasoning is applicable to a female (that is teaching females or little children) and has no expenses. She too may feel that she doesn’t have to dedicate herself since she is offering a voluntary service particularly in this day and age when there are so many temptations, and at every opportunity people want to take vacations. Due to not taking a salary, one may easily extend their vacation, or take a holiday during Madrasah time regarding it to be acceptable since a salary is not being taken. Similarly, one may become lax in regards to working hours by not being punctual with time. Such negligence results in the students being deprived and not being educated as they ought to be.  

3) Yes, your understanding is correct in regards to why a salary is paid to Ulama and those that have dedicated their time to the services of Deen. However, the current day Ulama such as Hadrat Thanvi Rahmatullahi Alaih have stated another reason (apart from the one mentioned by you with regard to there being no Baitul-Maal); which is to achieve dedication from educators (which has been explained above in detail).

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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