Taraweeh Salaah Behind A 14 Year Old Imaam


I recently moved to ____  and follow the Hanafi Madhab. I have been attending the tarawih salaah in a neighbouring town where young hufaz (under 14yrs) have been making imamat.

Is it permissible for myself to follow them in the tarawweeh salaah, bearing in mind that this is a practice in the locality and the nearest masjid. If no what should I do?


In terms of Shariáh, the minimum age that a boy could be considered to be baligh/mature is when according to the Islamic calendar, he turns 12 and he (at that age), experiences a wet dream. Similarly, if a boy is about 14 years and 8 months in terms of the English calendar, that would equate to him already being 15 years old in terms of the Islamic calendar. Hence, such a boy would be baaligh/mature boy in terms of Shariáh (even though he may not have experienced a wet dream as yet). 

So, if the boys performing Taraweeh (in your locality) have reached buloogh/ puberty in one of the afore-mentioned two ways, then there is no harm in following them in the Taraweeh Salaah. However, if they haven’t reached puberty and are still Na-Baaligh then performing Salaah behind them will not be correct according to the correct view in the Hanafi Madhab. 
[Re:- Fataawa Mahmoodiyya Pg.338 Vol. 11; Also, check Pg. 352 Vol.10; Ahsanul Fataawa Pg.525 Vol.3] 

In this case, you may perform your Taraweeh Salaah at another Masjid where proper Baaligh adults are leading the Salaah or rrange for Baaligh Huffaz to lead the Taraweeh Salaah at another venue in your locality.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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