Visiting Beaches And Public Swimming Pools


I am a graduate from Darul Uloom and current serving as a Imam and teacher.

My question is: Is it appropriate for me to visit the beaches of these kind of swimming places, where I know what is happening there? 


It is not appropriate for you as an Aalim of Deen, who is followed and looked upon with respect by your people to frequent any place of Fitnah. By you visiting such public places (where crowds are present), people will also regard it acceptable to be in such places, whereas it is totally impermissible to be in such places where nudity is apparent, intermingling cannot be avoided, music is being played and people are drinking wine, etc. In fact, any Muslim that possesses some modesty will not frequent such places.          

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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