A Man Being A Mahram To His Stepdaughter


After divorce , does the father still remain mahram to the step daughter or does it fall away?


The Fuqaha have stated that by virtue of a marriage which is followed with intercourse, the children of the wife from a previous marriage become Haraam upon the husband. This impermissibility of not being able to marry the wife’s children (from a previous marriage) remains forever, even though the couple (husband and wife) may be divorced.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.


(يجب) وظاهر الآية أنه فرض نهر ج ٦ ٥  ولا ببنت امرأته التي دخل بأمها سواء كانت في حجره أو حجر غيره) وكذلك بنث الربيبة وأولادها وإن سفلن
( قدوري ٥٧١ )

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