If a Hanafi follows a Shafi’ee Imaam and the Shafi’ee Imaam remains silent after reciting Surah Faatihah so that the Shafi’ee Muqtadis can complete the Surah Faatihah, is the Salaah of the Hanafi Muqtadi valid, bearing in mind that he will not be reciting anything for the duration of three Tasbeehaat?
The general ruling that one needs to keep in mind when performing Salaah behind a Shaf’ie Imaam is:
I. If the Muqtadi is sure that the Imaam considers and pays due regard to the Hanafi Mazhab too while leading Salaah then it will be permissible to perform Salaah behind him.
2. If the Muqtadi is sure that the Imaam does not consider the Hanafi Mazhab then it will not be permissible to perform Salaah behind him.
3. If the Muqtadi is not sure whether or not the Imaam considers and pays due regard to the Hanafi Mazhab then it will be Makrooh for him to perform Salaah behind him.
4. In all scenarios, if for some reason the Imaam’s Salaah is Faasid (invalid) according to the Hanafi Mazhab then it will compulsory for the Muqtadi to repeat his Salaah.
Considering the above-mentioned principles, if the Shaf’ie Imaam pauses for the duration of one Rukn (three Tasbeehaat) or more to allow the Shaf’ie Muqtadis to recite Surah Faatihah then the Salaah of a Hanafi Muqtadi will be in order as the Imaam has not done something that could make the Salaah Faasid (invalid) according to the Hanafi Madhhab. Although, one should remember that doing so (pausing for the duration of one Rukn or more after reciting Surah Faatihaa) necessitates Sajdah-Sahw under normal circumstances according to the Hanafi Madhhab.
This is similar to a Hanafi following a Shaf’ie Imaam who does not make Salaam in the second Rakaat in Witr Salaah. In this scenario, it is permissible for a Hanafi to follow the Shaf’ie Imaam and the Hanafi will have to read Qunoot after Ruku in the third Rakaat. The Fuqaha have considered the Hanafi Muqtadi’s Salaah to be valid although reciting Qunoot after Ruku necessitates Sajdah-Sahw under normal circumstances according to the Hanafi Madhhab. The Salaah is considered to be valid because the Imaam has not done any action that would make the Salaah Faasid (invalid).
Similarly, in the scenario where the Shafi Imaam pauses after Surah Faatihaa, the Shafi Imaam has not done something that makes the Salaah Faasid according to the Hanafi Madhhab; rather it only necessitates Sajdah-Sahw.
Checked and Approved By:
Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.
«البحر الرائق» ٣٦٦/١
«البحر الرائق» ٢/ ٤٥
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