Wearing Nail Polish During Haidh And Nifaas


Is nail polish permissible to use in Haidh and Nifaas?


Wearing nail polish should be avoided in all situations, even in Haidh and Nifaas. Although a woman does not have to perform Wudhu during these times, wearing nail polish should still be avoided, as it is from amongst the common practices of the Non-Muslims. Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam has instructed us not to follow the ways of the Non-Muslims and has warned us.

Let it not be that as a consequence of applying some silly colors to our nails, Allah SWT resurrects us amongst the disbelievers. May Allah SWT save us. It is also well known that many beauty products, including nail polish, are made from Haraam ingredients. Therefore, the impermissibility of wearing nail polish will be relevant for all times, even during Haidh and Nifaas.

It is mentioned in the books of Fiqh that it is preferable for a menstruating woman to perform Wudhu and thereafter make Zikr in the place where she usually performs her Salaah. This is so that she can uphold her good habits of dedicating this time to Allah SWT. From this we can understand that although it is not necessary for her to perform Wudhu and even after performing it, it will not hold the same ruling as a real Wudhu (she cannot perform Salaat with this Wudhu), she should still do so in order to uphold this good habit. If during this time she wears nail polish, it will create a sense of laxity in her and the good habit of performing Wudhu in the correct manner may slowly fade away. One may think that after Haidh she will fully perform her Wudhu without the
nail polish in the correct manner, but the fact remains that when she wears nail polish during her Haidh, it can create a sense of negligence with regards to acquiring purity in the correct manner, which could carry on even outside of the days of Haidh. Moreover, nail polish is not always easy to remove and small portions may remain on the nails, and because the polish deters water from reaching the nails, it will prevent the validity of a woman’s Ghusl or Wudhu after her Haidh has terminated.

Instead of wearing nail polish, women should follow the beautiful Sunnat of the female companions of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, and that is to wear Mehndi on the hands. In one Hadeeth, an illustrious Sahabiyyah made a request to become Bay’at to Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, to which he replied that he shall not accept her Bay’at until she changes the color of her palms (i.e. with Mehndi).” In another Hadeeth, a woman passed a note to Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam from behind a curtain. Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam withdrew his hand saying that “I do not know whether this is the hand of a man or woman.” The reply came that it was the hand of a woman. Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam then said something to this effect that “if you were a woman, then you would have changed the color of your nails (i.e. together with your palms).”4 From these narrations it is clear that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam encouraged women to wear Mehndi on their hands and it was a blessed practice of the Sahaabiyyaat (the female companions in the time of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Instead of wearing nail polish and adopting the ways of the Non-Muslims, Muslim women should rather apply Mehndi to their hands, where they can beautify their hands and at the same time acquire the pleasure of Allah SWT and His Rasool sallallahu alaihi wasallam. May Allah SWT give us the ability to please Him and His Rasool sallallahu alaihi wasallam by following the ways of the pious, and may He save us from His displeasure and the displeasure of His Rasool (sallallah alayh wa sallam) by following the ways of the Non-Muslims. Ameen.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.


من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم 
(سنن ابي داود مع بذل المجهود جه ص ٤١ المعهد الخليل الاسلامي) 

(رد المحتار ج١ ص١٩٨ سعيد) 

(الفتاوي الهندية ج١ ص٣٨ دار احياء التراث) 

(فتح القدير ج١ ص ١٤٣ رشيدية) 

(البحر الرائق ج١ ص١٩٣ ماجدية) 

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